Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doggy Door!

The past few weeks Marques has kind of been intrigued about our doggy door, I think he even went through it a couple of times. Today however I am having a hard time keeping him from going through it. As soon as he gets to the outside, he takes off running. When I bring him back inside, he goes straight for the door. I finally put the cover over it, which caused him to throw a small tantrum. Below are some pictures, so that you can see exactly how it's done!! I love this little guy!!
Look at Crosby in the second picture..priceless!


Kathy said...

That is pretty funny! I also love your new Valentines background!

Cara said...

Oh I miss Crosby! He is so cute and he looks like he has lost weight!

Allie Linford said...

Cute. He is getting so big. The time goes way too fast.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing ever!! I can't believe how fast time goes by. I feel like he was just born and now he is on his feet!! What a cute baby!!

kris said...

Thanks, I know, he is going to be one year old on March 1st. I am really enjoying him!